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at the same time, if you want your first sale to be organic, more power to you. there is nothing wrong with that. it's a cool feeling when you land your first sale. we were driving down the street to go on a camping trip when my first sale came in and i turned the car around and spend an hour making and packing my first sale. i just opened my shop a few weeks ago. i haven't gotten a sale yet which is a bummer but also i have a pretty specific demographic(i sell patterned headwraps). my mom keeps pressuring me to let her "buy" a wrap and then post a positive review. and to make my mil do the same. the first few times i graciously declined because she said she wouldn't wear them(in fact she said she would just let me keep the wrap) .after the third time she asked though i was not kind. i personally don't want my first sale to be a sham. has anyone else dealt with this? it's driving me nuts. if she really wanted me to get a sale she should encourage others to buy from my shop, not just give me pity money. if you enjoy bingo, go for it! but don't expect to earn money playing games with this app unless you pay first. the hourly rate for mistplay: complete your bio with the appropriate details grow your instagram account get paid ny facebook to look for fake news
romans xii